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Perenco has failed to find commercial pay in the Arouwe block offshore Gabon and its drill ship
Sputnik-1 is to sail away
Perenco announces that the Sputnik-1 well, targeting a pre-salt structure in Gabon’s offshore
Arouwe block,has encountered non-commercial hydrocarbon pay in up to 300 metres of net
sandstone reservoir.
“This is an encouraging result from the pre-salt play, offshore Gabon,” said Angus McCoss,
Tullow (joint-venture partner) exploration director.
“Having found a petroleum system, we will now take the data from this well and integrate it with
our seismic data to discuss with partners our next steps for the licence.”
The Vantage Tungsten Explorer drill ship, drilled Sputnik-1 to a final depth of 4,868 metres in
water depths of 1,023 metres.
The rig will now leave the Arouwe block and the results of this well will be incorporated into
wider understanding of the region.
Tullow has a 35 per cent interest in the Arouwe block with partners Perenco (35 per cent and
operator) and ExxonMobil (30 per cent).